latest news
This section will be constantly updated, keeping you informed of any new products or new technology on the market.
energy savers
There is a new 7w halo par energy saver lamp to replace the conventional 50w halo par lamp. This new energy saver can fit with any standard down lighter. It has a benefit of giving of low wattage, and gives the same light out put as a 45 – 50w lamp. It comes in cool white, and warm white. These energy savers are very useful in outdoor lights/ garden spikes, and down lighters that burn all night.
stainless steel down lighter
This down lighter is made from 316 stainless steel, and is manufactured locally. It is recommended that these down lighters be used in high corrosion areas along the coast. Comes in a round and square version. Cut out hole size – 63mm.
intelligent switching
Lumen 8 have launched an intelligent switching system called mood zone. It is a cost effective way to control your lighting in your home, and it is very easy to wire and install. “Switching for dummies” is not needed when installing this system. The system allows one to dim, and set various scenes - an awesome new product.
wireless switching system
A wireless switching system is now available for controlling scenes and dimming. It is always better to plan ahead for any intelligent switching system, and always let the builder, and electrician know that you plan to use these systems, as they do require different wiring to conventional lighting.